木榄 Bruguiera gymnorhiza
Tree, bark dark gray. The leaves are thick and smooth, the flowers are solitary red, with purple bell calyx tube; viviparous, the hypocotyl is dark green, the stubby wall is straight, and the tip turns red when mature. It has developed geniculate respiratory roots and is mostly scattered in the continental margin area at high tide level.
秋茄 Kandelia obovata
Evergreen shrubs or small trees, with plank buttresses root. Leaves long-elliptic, thickly leathery and glossy. 5 calyx lobes.The fruit develops within the calyx tube.Long cylindrical propagule or hypocotyl in club-shaped and measures 25 cm long. The most hardy species and the most widely distributed in China, more often found in the back mangrove forests.
白骨壤 Avicennia marina
Shrub or tree.Also named "海榄雌(Hai Lan Ci) " in Chinese(white mangrove in Eng.). Barh light gray or whitish. Leaves leathery and glossy, almost petiolesless.with salt glands on both upper and lower sides.Flowers small,Creamy yellow.Fruit oval and edible. Extensive underground root system with pencil-shaped breathing roots,sticking up out of the leading edge mudflat.Native pioneer mangrove of Shenzhen .
桐花树 Aegiceras corniculatum
Shrubs or small trees. Leathery leaf blades oval, apex retuse, with salt glands on the surface, often encrusted with salt crystals. Flowers umbel ,white ,cone-like when in full bloom. Crytopetalous, with a small, curved embryonic axis like a crescent, also known as the "candle fruit". Highly resistant to flooding, mostly grow in low and medium tidal zones.
红海榄 Rhizophora stylosa
Rhizophoraceae evergreen trees or shrubs, with developed prop roots.The fruit develops within the calyx tube. Rhizophora stylosa is commonly found in the inner shoals of mangrove with high salinity outside the river mouth, and it is the most typical species in the middle stage of succession. It has a wide adaptability to temperature, tide level, salinity, and soil, beautiful tree types, well-developed pillar roots, and strong resistance to wind and wave impact. It is the most representative species of mangrove plants in China and also an excellent tree species for artificial afforestation of mangrove in China.
卤蕨 Acrostichum aureum
Perennial mangrove fern, up to 2m tall. Mature fronds bear brown sporangia on the upper parts. Highly adaptable, fast-growing,mostly grow in moderately saline hige-tide mangrove understories or shore mudflats.
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